Make a report to ASQA
Use this form to report a person or organisation in the vocational education and training sector involved in:
- poor quality of training, services or business practices
- suspicions of fraud, illegal activities or unethical behaviours
You can also use this form to provide any extra information for a previous report you have made.
This form will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.
Completing this form
- ASQA can only take action on reports that relate to our regulatory responsibility.
- You can remain anonymous. You do not need to provide your name or contact details to submit this form.
- If you provide your contact details, ASQA may contact you for more information to assist in investigation.
- Intentionally providing false or misleading information to ASQA is a serious offence.
- If you refresh or close the tab when you are completing the form, your responses will not be saved.
Your privacy
- ASQA will treat your personal details with confidentiality and in accordance with our privacy obligations. Unless required by law, ASQA will not share your personal details to the subject of the report.
- ASQA may share the report with other government agencies and law enforcement.
- More information about our obligations and how we handle personal information are in our Privacy Policy.
Need assistance?
- If you need assistance completing this form, call us on 1300 701 801 (dial +61 3 8613 3910 from outside Australia) between 9am to 5pm (Australian local time) Monday to Friday.
- You can also talk to someone in your language by calling the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) 131 450 to speak with us.
This system is not monitored 24/7.
If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help, contact the following organisation for:
- Physical support:
- Emergency services - 000
- Police link - 131 444
- Mental/Emotional support:
- Lifeline - 13 11 14
- Beyond blue - 1300 22 4636
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: 13 YARN - 13 92 76
You may then follow this process to raise a report with ASQA.
Student complaints
- ASQA can not resolve disputes between students and training providers. We do not have the legislative power to act as a student advocate.
- If you require assistance with resolving an issue with your training provider, contact the National Training Complaints Hotline to ensure that your complaint is handled by the most appropriate authority.